Orange Day 2023
Violence against women is still a pervasive issue in 2023. According to UN Women, one in three women in Germany alone will be the victim of sexualized and/or physical violence in public or private life at least once. Every four minutes, a woman in Germany experiences violence from her (ex)partner. 58 percent of women avoid certain places or streets at night for fear of being attacked. DONAT IT would like to draw attention to this important topic and raise awareness of it.
Support for the UN “Orange the World” campaign
The “Orange the World” campaign will take place from November 25 to December 10. This year, the UN campaign by UN Women is focusing on the topic of “Violence against women and girls in public life – including the digital world.”
It’s not just about physical and psychological violence, rape and femicide. Especially in public, whistling, suggestive gestures and sexualized slogans often stir up fear. This harassment takes place on public transport, in schools, at work, on the street or digitally. In the digital world, violence, e.g. through cyber stalking, is on the rise. This is because offenders often have free rein online and hardly have to fear any consequences.
For Orange Day 2023 on November 25 (the international day against violence against women), DONAT IT is taking part in the Ingolstadt fundraising campaign of the Soroptimist International (SI) Club Ingolstadt. The aim of this campaign is to raise public awareness of the nationwide helpline. As part of the campaign, INVG buses were wrapped with the telephone number of the helpline and the logo of the “Orange the World” campaign. The DONAT IT logo was also displayed on one of the buses for 16 days.
Further information on the campaign at: Orange the World 2023 – UN Women Germany

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